Build robustness & better recovery TO finally

Reach your fitness goals...

...and be much harder to kill

Level 2: Physiologic flexibility certification course

This new L2 certification by Dr. Mike T Nelson is the key to helping you unlock exceptional body composition, health, and performance.

Enrollment is open now until this Mon Oct 21,2024 at 11:59 PST.

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Building your best body and achieving optimal health isn’t as easy as non specific workouts and nutrition. If it was, everyone would be hitting PRs everyday and living into their 90s. But something else is keeping you from successfully doing what you’re here to do.

So, what’s the deal?!

People today are faced with so many daily stressors that negatively affect how they show up in the gym and kitchen as prescribed. Work, family, politics … most people today are simply, what’s called in my world "fragile."

You know what I’m talking about.

You have days where you show up for a training or nutrition session and you are exhausted mentally and physically. You're beat or emotionally erratic and your heart is just not in it.

The struggle of a busy life is getting in the way of your goals. What do you do?

If you are working your butt off trying to get results but at a certain point, you realize these that what you need to hit the next level goes far beyond nutrition, exercise, and sleep. Here is it!

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imagIne if...

You finally understood how to strategically program cold/hot therapy, breathwork, and other modes to be more anti-fragile.

You were able to grow as a well rounded human from the uncertainty and stress that life throws at you.

You perform and even look forward to healthy discomfort - both physical and mental - because you know the benefit of embracing challenges.

You recover physically and mentally much faster from training..and other stressors.

You are more resilient to stressors of all kinds.

You build a crew of anti-fragile humans who are role models for other people in their circles of influence to also become anti-fragile.


What Is Physiologic Flexibility?

introducing the

Physiologic flexibility certification

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Your one-stop-shop for helping you build robustness and optimal recoverability in your clients so you can finally help them achieve their goals.

Here's how you're going to do it:

Learn "The 4 Physiological Intervention Points" which are at the core of all body composition transformations and performance improvements.

Create real results for you and your clients: Dr. Mike T Nelson will teach you how to work with human psychology, not against it.

Incorporate "sexy" recovery methods in a true systematic fashion. These include breath work, cold and heat exposure, intermittent fasting, high amounts of carbohydrates at specific times, high-intensity interval training (HIIT), zone 2 aerobic traiining and more!

Understand the global big picture view of these homeostatic regulators. Without this understanding, you are just running around willy nilly applying random stuff for your clients to do.

Obtain in-depth knowledge about 8 specific recovery interventions. Learn what the actual real science says about each one.

Wake up and feel ready to tackle your day. Even if you have lots of stress in your life.

Have a set of tools to change your mood and performance. You can deploy them anywhere to feel better in record time.

Access this course anywhere! 100% virtual and online. Once enrolled you will have lifetime access to the entire course.

The 4 Pillars of physiologic Flexibility Are:

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Your body has to hold its internal temperature at 98.6 F; however, you can be exposed to a wide range of external temperatures.

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Your blood pH is tightly regulated; however, you can challenge it via high-intensity interval training (HIIT), via Wingates, different breathing techniques and even supplements.

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Blood Glucose

At any one time you only have about 1 tsp of blood glucose floating around; yet, you can go for a full day without eating (fasting) and also consume 2 pop-tarts without it changing very much (in healthy people).

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Your body relies on getting oxygen in and carbon dioxide out. By using different breathing techniques, you can change the amounts of each to enhance recovery / adaptations.

in phys flex, you will learn why, how, & when to use these Powerful systems To be more anti-fragile, recover in Record time .... and hit your goals.

I created Phys Flex because I’ve been in your shoes…

That’s right. This is personal.

See that guy standing there all casual-like? Back in 2005, he was stressed AF with his clients because they were just not getting the results they wanted so badly because “life was getting in the way.” . . . sigh.

(That guy is me, by the way.) I understood how to help people with their fitness, nutrition, and sleep. I was an actual master of it. I spent 18 years in university so I could get a bunch of pieces of paper to prove it. But I was still stressed out of my mind and felt like I was missing something with my clients.

But that guy in that photo, standing there all casual-like is soooo chill and happy now.

What changed?

I finally started implementing something with my clients I now call Physiological Flexibility. I discovered that if I added simple things like meditation, breath work, cold water exposure, sauna, timed periods of low to no carbs (fasting) and higher carbs, specific high-intensity intervals, and also lower intensity aerobic work, my clients recovered faster, actually got excited about the challenge of increasing intensity to their workouts.

Even more awesome, they were taking their nutrition interventions face on. They were requesting to do more simple hard things like breathe work and cold showers.


Now I’m sharing the entire process with you through this certification so you can build your own crew of eager and robust clients - the ones you always dreamed of coaching.

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what others say about dr Mike

My mind is blown on a near-weekly basis.....

Dr Mike combines both research and real world experience.  I have seen so much progress over the past year it has been amazing.  I am breaking both strength and endurance PRs. Thanks again for everything you have done for me over the past year and I am looking forward to what this next year brings!

Ryan Baxter
SOCR athlete and trainer

Dr. Mike T. Nelson has put in a great deal of time and effort to not only push forward the evidence base in the field of metabolic flexibility, but also to help translate this complex scientific knowledge into practical applications that actually help individuals, athletes, and coaches make meaningful improvements.

Daniel Pardi, MS, PhD
Chief Executive Officer

Dr. Mike T. Nelson is one of my go-to guys for applied physiology, which is particularly impressive considering that he always seems to be kiteboarding and must have ears full of blood from his taste in gym music.

Tommy Wood, MD, PhD
Research Scientist. President, Physicians for Ancestral Health

physiologic flexibility certification is perfect for you if...

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  • You’re a trainer/coach who wants to help your clients feel less daily stress and more happiness and wellbeing in their lives.

  • You’ve mastered fitness, nutrition and sleep but want to get to the next level of performance, recovery and robustness.

  • You’re a trainer/coach or athlete who wants to recover faster and increase your physiological capacity for stressors - in and out of the gym.

  • You’re a beginner who’s interested in improving your physical and emotional robustness beyond nutrition, fitness and sleep improvements.

I have known Dr. Mike now for about 4 years. I can honestly say he is one of the smartest guys I know. He has dedicated his life to research, study, and learn as much as he possibly can about nutrition and S&C. If there is something I am stuck on he is the first guy to call. And don’t think he’s all science and books. He kiteboards and loves Heavy Metal too.

Angelo Sisco
CEO, Alpha Hippie

More than 2 years of CrossFit, and I could barely pull myself up on the bar. I honestly thought I would never be able to do a strict pull-up from full extension. After working with Dr. Mike T Nelson and changing my programming, I can easily do several strict pull-ups in a row! I highly recommend you check his work.

Suzie Glassman
Coach, Trainer, Mom

You want actionable information, not opinions from a reality show or internet guru that hasn’t worked with a single real person.  Mike is a brilliant researcher, coach, teacher/professor, and strength athlete.  He practices what he preaches in all aspects of life.  He doesn’t live in a lab wearing a bow tie “hypothesizing” about what the rest of us are doing in the real world.  Mike is living it through his own clients and his own training. 

Scott Umberger

I met Mike by happy accident at a conference in Florida. I was sitting in a lecture and turned around to see him sitting right behind me. I admit, I was totally star-struck, as I am a big fan and read everything he writes. I struck up a conversation with him and was blown away that he took over an HOUR out of his day and missed an entire lecture session to talk to me personally. I learned more in that one hour than I learned in lectures that entire weekend.
Most important in my eyes is his genuine desire to educate and to help others.
He is a huge asset to our community and his unique and questioning approach to ingrained ideas about health and fitness will surely lead us in exciting new directions.

Jessica Herschberg
Triathlon Coach, FTP Coaching


How long is the course?

Right now, it is set at around 20 -25 total hours. That may change a bit as I am constantly adding and subtracting to different areas.

Are you offering the course again?

My plan is to open enrollment 2 times a year, similar to the Flex Diet Cert. Keep in mind that next time the course will be more expensive, and my plan is to slowly raise the price over time.

Do I need to have done the Flex Diet Cert first to do this one?

It would be helpful, but it is not required. The material in the PF Course can be added to anyone’s training / lifestyle. Of course, you will see more benefits once your nutrition and sleep is on point as taught in the Flex Diet Cert.

Is this entirely online?

Yes, it is 100% online.

Do I have to complete the course within a certain amount of time?

Nope, you have lifetime access to it, and you can go at your own pace.

I heard that this course will be expensive. How would I ever make any money on with clients since I work as an online trainer?

My bias is that the course is very cheap for what you get. Again, the amount of money is nothing to scoff at, and I know it may be out of reach for some; but you can incorporate this work into your client’s training immediately.

You could also set it up as an intro course by itself for your clients on how to incorporate breath work, cold, heat, glucose testing etc.

Do I need fancy equipment to do the interventions in the PF Course?

Nope. I do list some more expensive ways to do some of the interventions, but I prioritized low cost options. Many of them are completely free to do.

How long have you been using these interventions with your own clients?

I’ve incorporated these concepts into my online M3 clients programs for over 6 years now. I was sneaky and did not name them on purpose so they would not necessarily know what I was doing. While it is anecdotal, I can say that their results did improve once I did add these components in to their program.

What if I have questions as I go through the course?

You will get my private email to ask me any questions about the course material. Keep in mind that I will not be able to do this forever =) and I am going to limit the number of people allowed to enroll this round so that I can answer your questions.

your instructor: Dr. Mike t nelson

Mike T. Nelson, CSCS, CISSN, MSME PhD, is a research fanatic who specializes in metabolic flexibility and heart rate variability, as well as an online trainer, associate professor at the Carrick Institute, presenter, creator of the Flex Diet Cert, kiteboarder, and (somewhat incongruously) heavy-metal enthusiast

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You have a full 30 days to kick the tires and do the entire certification course. If you are not happy for any reason, I willl personally refund your entire purchase price.

To date I have only issued 2 refunds, but I want to go above and beyond your expectations.

This new L2 certification by Dr. Mike T Nelson is the key to helping you and your clients unlock exceptional body composition, health, and performance beyond nutrition and time in the gym.

Enrollment is open now unti this Mon Oct 21, 2024 at 11:59 PM PST.



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HRV Course (Flex Diet Cert discounted price)

HRV Course (Flex Diet Cert discounted price)

If you want to take your understanding of how to measure stress directly and fine tune your performance and health, the 8 hour HRV Education Course is for you.  Get it now for 50% off the normal price! 

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